Life Before The Lanai

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Celery, cucumber and green pepper oh my!

After April 14th I am never eat these vegetables again. I didn’t really like them before however they have become the mainstay of my daily diet. I eat a few stalks of celery, half a cucumber and half a green pepper most days and wish they had some taste. I wouldn’t mind the celery stuffed with peanut butter, the cucumber made into tzaziki and the green peppers stuffed with beef and tomato sauce. But I will be done with them in 2 week and moving on to new and different.

I have a few books that talk about the things that I can expect after surgery when it comes to meals. I cant imagine devoting 1/2 an hour to my meal. For most of my life I have eaten on the run or at my desk as I work. The thought of sitting and devoting time to a meal seems so strange to me

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Optifast is the devil

I cant believe how quickly times has gone by. We started this last year and I had every intention of writing on a regular basis but it just didn’t happen. I have a surgery date that is just over 2 weeks away so I figured now is a great time to get back at it.
I went to see the surgeon and he gave me a date of April 15, 2013 and told me that I would need to do 3 weeks of Optifast leading up to the big day. They say that the idea is to shrink your liver of fat and I think that is true but I also think that its a test. A test to see if you are willing to change your whole life and your relationship with food before you go through with it.
I started Optifast on March 25. The plan is to do 4 shakes a day, up to 2 cups of green vegetables, 2 litres of water/clear fluids.
Can I tell you that its a shock to they system? One of the things that made me fat was my love of sugar, chocolate, sweets and cakes. I have done Slimfast before and its not great but compared to this its like a milkshake. Optifast tastes like sweet chemicals. I couldn’t do the 4 a day and I was having vegetables but when I sat down and figured out what I was having, it was about 500 calories. I went from a few thousand to a daily calorie count equal to my usual coffee and muffin breakfast. So I have gotten a grip and I am making sure to do the 4 a day. I have added sugar free jello and salt free broth. I started making a vegetable soup; salt free broth, broccoli, green pepper and celery. Add in some pepper and garlic and it feels like you are having a real meal for limited calories.
I know that I am having more then 2 cups of veggies a day, I would guess that I am having 3 or so cups. I figure all things considered it could be worse.
I bought an immersion blender today cause I was using a frother and found it was still chunky. The blender makes a world of difference. It gives it the consistency of the premade shakes and it was easier to get it down.
I have not “cheated” or given in. I have stuck to the Optifast and fluids. I have been offered donuts, cookies and pizza. I look out my kitchen window and I see McDonalds, Subway, Popeyes, Pizza Pizza and Wild Wing. Fat me has been to all of them. Optifast me just dreams about it.

So I have 1 left for today and 15 days of shakes to go.

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Cookie Cups and a Bucket List

I went to Buffalo this weekend with my boyfriend for a pre birthday shopping trip. All I could think about as we pulled up to the Walden Galleria was COOKIE CUPS!! Mrs Fields makes a chocolate chip cookie in a muffin tin that makes it cup shaped, They add a giant blob of frosting on it and I call it heaven. So we went to Mrs Fields and you would think I would get the cookie cup and I did. I also got the cookie sandwich and the cookie of the day. I took a few bites of of cookie sandwich and realized that I didn’t like it and that wasn’t what I came for. I did eat the apple pie with caramel cookie, I ate it before I even knew it and I am not sure that I could tell you what it tasted like. I decided not to eat the cookie cup right away since I was so sugared up. I also made my boy throw out the rest of the cookie sandwich. When I did eat the cookie cup on the drive home it was all that I wanted and remember and thats what I should have had all along.

I learned something important from my cookie cup.

My lesson was that I don’t need to eat all that looks pretty. That even though I have a bucket list of things I want to eat before surgery, I don’t need to gain another 100 pounds eating crap I just don’t want. So I will say good bye to the cookie cups.

I am going to make a list of things that I REALLY want to eat and do that.

I know that I can not wait for the day of surgery to stop eating all the crap that I do. My plan is currently cutting out pop and coffee as of September 1st and move on to reducing/eliminating carbs 2 weeks after that. Once I have mastered those two, I am moving on to sugars.

I need to be on the path to healthy before I make it to surgery and gaining another 20 pounds before that day will only make it that much harder after.

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What I am doing and where I am at

I have decided that in order to deal with my weight issue, I am  going to have weight loss surgery. It took a long time to come to this decision – 5 years to be exact.

I believe that I have done all that I could on my own and I know that I am not able to do this on my own as I  have a large amount of weight to take off. Its time to take action. I have done the regular things that most people would do – Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig, SparkPeople and the list goes on. The thing for me is that I don’t have 30 pounds to lose, I don’t need to drop the baby weight and I am not chunky, fluffy or pleasantly plump. I am morbidly obese.

I went to my family doctor and asked about WLS, she told me to research it and tell her where I wanted to go and she would refer me. That was about 3 years ago. I guess I expected her to fix it for me and offer a solution. She didnt and I didn’t look. I guess it wasn’t the right time and I didn’t want it enough.

I went back to her in May of this year and when we had the same conversation, I provided the information. It was time and I was ready. She sent the referral and it went to the back of my head. I figure that it would take months if not a year to hear anything.

Two weeks (August 9th) I got a package in the mail saying that I was scheduled for an info session on August 17th. I had a week to get my doctor to fill out forms and complete the novel of questions that needed to be answered regarding my health.

I went to the info session and knew by the time that it was done that this was for me and that I was going to go through with it.

The next step was to have an appointment with the surgeon and the team of dietitian, nurse practitioner and a social worker. At the info session it was advised that they would be in touch but no time frame given. I got a call on Tuesday August 21 asking if I could meet with the surgeon the next day. YES! I could and I would and I did.

Today I met with Dr Lloyd Smith who will do my surgery. I liked him and he told me that I was an excellent candidate for the operation. The next step would be to meet with the team of team of dietitian, nurse practitioner and a social worker, that is scheduled for October 17th, and then I call the doctor to get a surgery date. When I asked about a time frame he said February or March.

It seems so far and yet it will be here before I know it.

So that brings us up to date on the why, when and who.

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Texana's Kitchen

Yummy food. Pithy commentary. Pretty pictures.

Dr. William Davis

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Dana's Low Carb for Life!

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Real Sustenance

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

I Breathe I'm Hungry

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Healthy Indulgences

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child