Life Before The Lanai

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Well Hello Stranger!

Hello there!  I am back from the edge of the planet (which apparently I fell off of) and thought it was high time I rejoined the land of blog.   We interrupt your scheduled program for … well, life.   It smacked me pretty hard in the face but after some family health scares; a little brain surgery, followed by kidney surgery,  some friend drama and work stress – here I am.   A little worse for wear, but thankfully everyone is on the mend and we can get back to it being all about me, me, me, me!  

I have been so completely off the wagon, that all I can taste is wagon dust.   My undoing started last summer with a few weeks in the hospital with my SO; there isn’t much diet friendly in the cafeteria.  Meals were grabbed when he was napping; at odd times and quickly.   My salvation was the 24 hour Timmys; donuts and huge amounts of caffeine were my best friends.   All of my emotional food triggers were beeping and flashing like a pinball machine.   Even when we were back home I just couldn’t shake the blues and get myself back on track.  I have been struggling ever since and stopped all of the things I was doing that were successful; taking time for myself, cooking real meals, preparing, blogging, researching & recipe gathering.  I am going to cut myself a little slack because it was an exceptionally crazy year but life is always going to happen so I have to find a way to make it work even when I am visiting crazy town for a while.   It is a recurring theme with me and I tend to let things slip when I get too overwhelmed.  I am working on managing it better but I am also just going to forgive myself this time and get on it.    High five to me – go team!
So my bestie had her surgery, is looking fab & being amazing as always, but I will let her update you on that if she too decides to revisit blog-ville.   If she doesn’t show up soon then I will fill you in, don’t worry, we can whisper behind her back about how awesome she is.
I am still focused on grain free and am removing grains & sugar from my diet.  One day at a time!  I am doing the basics right now (translation lots of protein shakes) but have been collecting some new recipes to try out.  I really need to find some portable foods that I can take to work.  I am in various offices with my new role & I don’t always have a fridge available or places I can buy lunch.   I am on a mission to find easy to carry, non-perishable lunches for on the go. I have Avocado-coconut shakes and Chia Coffee pudding chilling until tomorrow so I will let you know if they fall into the “epic fail” or “hallelujah! I will make this again” category.

Until next time,



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