Life Before The Lanai

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Celery, cucumber and green pepper oh my!

on March 31, 2013

After April 14th I am never eat these vegetables again. I didn’t really like them before however they have become the mainstay of my daily diet. I eat a few stalks of celery, half a cucumber and half a green pepper most days and wish they had some taste. I wouldn’t mind the celery stuffed with peanut butter, the cucumber made into tzaziki and the green peppers stuffed with beef and tomato sauce. But I will be done with them in 2 week and moving on to new and different.

I have a few books that talk about the things that I can expect after surgery when it comes to meals. I cant imagine devoting 1/2 an hour to my meal. For most of my life I have eaten on the run or at my desk as I work. The thought of sitting and devoting time to a meal seems so strange to me

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