Life Before The Lanai

“Life itself is the proper binge.” Julia Child

Things that make you go hmmmm…

So, I am almost 2 weeks into my adventure and I have noticed a few things:

1.  I am sleeping better.   I have had trouble sleeping for years.  I was tired a lot.   I would try to go to bed early only to toss and turn for hours or wake up many times during the night.  This entire week I have been able to fall asleep quickly.  I am waking up in the morning just before my alarm and have not had an after work nap all week.   It has been a very stressful work week too, so I am surprised that I am not feeling exhausted and being kept up by stress at night.

2.  I can drink coffee and tea again.   Heartburn and I have been close companions.   I never go anywhere with out a stockpile of antacids.  Many nights I have had to prop myself up in bed or sleep sitting up when the antacids have failed me.   I stopped drinking coffee and tea a few months back since it seemed to be a trigger and although it helped a little, I still had heartburn daily.   My bus route has been messed up this week because of construction, which means my temporary stop lets me off right in front of Tim Hortons.   Since I could smell the coffee when I got off the bus, I gave in and had a large coffee every day this week.  I also picked up some great gourmet tea at the local fair and have been drinking that in the evenings.   I didn’t even realize until today as I sipped my morning coffee, that I have not had heartburn at all.   Not once this week.   The skies opened up and the angels sang … it is a miracle and quite frankly better than the 7 lbs I have lost.

3.  I forget to eat.   WTH?  So I was chatting with my boyfriend and saying that I was feeling really good.  Nice energy, not struggling to stick to my plan and overall just better.   I figure it is in part the excitement of starting something new and feeling motivated and good about it but I also think my body reacts very quickly to removing sugar and junk from my diet.   I have experienced this before on other plans I have tried.  Like Heather I have tried them all – being an obese girl on a diet of some sort for over 20 years, you get around and try whatever the next big thing is.   I guess I am still guilty of that since no grain is the trendy new thing right now but this time there is something different.   I was telling him that I was worried I would have a strong start and fizzle out like I have on other plans, when I realized that I have not been hungry since starting this “new” way of eating.  When I have dieted in the past, I had to eat every few hours or I would end up so hungry I would just eat far too much of anything quick and convenient.   I have issues with binge eating so it is a slippery slope for me to be in that frame of mind.   This pattern was my downfall on those diets, I would get defeated and give up after repeating the cycle a few times.    Today I didn’t even notice that I hadn’t had lunch until I finished work for the day.  I was still able to wait until dinner to eat and did not feel any desire to overeat during my meal.   I am eating less and am full longer.   I have come to expect hunger and deprivation along with a restricted diet so it was quite an ah ha moment and very encouraging.   Dr Davis might be onto something with his wheat is an appetite stimulant theory!

I am not surprised that changing the way you eat would have an impact on your well being, it is probably the most important factor in our overall health, but I am surprised that I am experiencing positive changes so quickly.    I did have a brief moment of sadness today when I came across the Pizza Nova flyer, but I made pizza for dinner instead of ordering and made mine Meatzza.   A slice of ham as the crust with all the yummy pizza toppings on it.   So delish.   This is doable.   Now I just have to figure out Chinese take out…

Until Next time,


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